14 articles on public diplomacy practice for the future public diplomacy
By James Thomas Snyder [S] Started thinking about writing a blunt, pragmatic précis soon after I realized that public diplomacy was unlike anything I had [Read More…]
By James Thomas Snyder [S] Started thinking about writing a blunt, pragmatic précis soon after I realized that public diplomacy was unlike anything I had [Read More…]
[fac_icon icon=”calendar”] Apr 18, 2006 – [fac_icon icon=”user”]By Nicholas J. Cull [E] Every academic discipline has its certainties, and in the small field of public [Read More…]
[P] Publomacy is not an easy, neither a simple topic to find a good resource of knowledge about, manly because publomacy is still in it’s [Read More…]
[I] In China’s Public Diplomacy, author Ingrid d’Hooghe contributes to our understanding of what constitutes and shapes a country’s public diplomacy, and what factors undermine [Read More…]
[P]publomacy, or public diplomacy. a new international relations topic of study, concentrating on the communications between a state and foreign public in effort to preserve its [Read More…]
[S]ince 2002, lots of books, studies and articles about publomacy were published, mostly through think-tank institution, universities and USIA Illuminati figures. still, few of these publications became [Read More…]
Public Diplomacy, an emerging academic field that needs a title. [N]ew words are added to the academic dictionary all the time. So logically, as [Read More…]
[W]ritten by Mark Leonard and Published in 2002 by the Foreign Policy Center (FBC), this study can be considered as one of the first academic [Read More…]
Report to the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives مقدمة الدراسة ( مترجمة / رمزي الطويل) يعتبر تقرير مجلس النواب الأمريكي الذي طلب من [Read More…]
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